Thursday, January 17, 2008

Safe Ecards-- Spyware and Malware Free

I have been worried about the safety of Ecards and have given up using them until now. I found a company that guarantees that their cards are spy ware free. Whenever something is free I get nervous. Either the product is lousy or is filled with malware ( trojans, viruses, spyware, rootkits, etc). So how can these Ecards be free? I began investigating how the company makes money.

They do it in a number of ways, which is smart.  All their eggs are not in one basket.  They have banner ads on their site which brings in revenue if you click on them.  And they have some different services which they hope you will subscribe to and use.  This makes sense.  Spread the revenue streams and make things attractive to the different user groups.

So that's it! No evil coding to worry about.

Check out the Wide Selection of Free Ecards from American Greetings .

American Greetings has the printed greeting card history and they teamed up with Blue Mountain which is one of the pioneers in online email greeting cards.  They have a reputation to uphold.  Not only are the ecards safe from any viruses, but they are also made so that they will get through the various spam filters that people have on their computers.

  Now you can use this combined company's Ecards and:
  • Save Hundreds of dollars in cards
  • Save in increasing postage fees
  • Save the environment ( well OK... at least do your part... I doubt you use a forest load)
  • Get cards to people on time...even at the last minute

That is a great alternative to all the post and paper problems....
Stay green, save money and time.

Be sure to check out the Blue Mountain side of this great partnership as well for different selections and themes.

There is the free trial option and there are some paid options also available.  It is a good idea to try out the free trial and see if you like the cards.  The reason I like the ecards from American Greetings/ Blue Mountain is the professional quality.  If you look at other sites you will see that things are very amateur and cheap looking.  And really, is that what you want to send to someone?  You might as well just jot off a quick email.

With Ecards, you are hoping to convey a mood and emotion that an email, or emoticon just can't give.  With the professional photos and messages available at this website, you achieve that.  Also you can have appropriate music included to give even more than a store bought card.  Ecards have gone from being a cheap novelty, to an expertly crafted experience.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Easy Website Building Software

I've been warning all who are interested in building elegant professional websites to get this software before the price goes up. This is the easiest website building software I have ever seen. It also has features which automatically make the website attractive to search engines. It automates all the frustrating compiling, so that you just have to hit a button and the website is perfectly designed.

You know is almost impossible to tell you all the details loaded into this website building software. In fact, they have designed a video series to give you an overview. Just go to their website and watch it. Here is a link to the Video

IMPORTANT NEWS: I just got another email from the owner of the software telling me that the next version is about to be released to the public. There is a great deal offered for the first little while. The website is already getting flooded with orders from version 1 users who have been given a preview of the new features in Version 2. And now new buyers will be able to get XsitePro2 for the same price as version 1. This is a savings of $100.

( And by the way, this is not one of those phony $97 reduced to $47 gimmicks.... I'm going to have to shell out $100 to upgrade. And I'll gladly do it because this new version is absolutely amazing, and is well worth the price of my sanity.)

And since I'm on my soapbox now, let me add another comment about this website building software. It is "white hat " technology. This means that if you use this software program to build your websites you will not have to worry about Google, or other search engines shutting you down because of some dishonest techniques built in to the program. BE WARNED, a lot of easy website building programs out there use unethical techniques. Oh sure, they will deny it till the cows come home, but then when you get blacklisted all you will hear from then is a little " oops".

Black hat and grey hat website building techniques are dangerous. There are a lot of website building programs out there that promise you instant websites built with ease. This may be true in the short run, but don't plan on making anything you can be proud of with them.

The website building program I'm recommending to you
is different. It is a professional quality software program, backed by an ethical company.

Do yourself a huge favor. If you are planning to put up any sort of website, get your copy of XsitePro now and save yourself a lot of grief and frustration. I checked the site last week and even noticed that it has a full satisfaction guarantee! That means you can try it out and see just how great it works without worrying about whether you wasted your money. ( And you can use that time to use its features to make it pay for itself!)
Here is the link to the purchase page.

Now if you are looking for content to fill any website you are planning to build then I would recommend another ethical company run by Mike Liebner called Article Underground

This is a service where writers create articles on specific popular subjects which are written in a way to catch the eye of search engines.

They make sure to avoid using phrases which will get you banned or demoted, and they give you unique content so that you will not get penalized for having " duplicate content" on your site. Mike's service is a great way to get full content fast for your websites.

WARNING.....there are other ways and services out there for populating your website, but they scalp info from other online sources.

If you want an easy way to make professional quality websites, then check out these resources. And yes, you will have to pay a small sum for the Xsite software, but believe me, it will save you endless hours of frustration trying to knit together a website. And both Xsite and Mike's Article service will protect your reputation online.

P.S. I spent a solid week researching website hosting companies. And I spent another month attending seminars and online forums looking for complaints. Hostgator ended up being my choice. I have been more than happy with them. If you need a hosting service, then be sure to check them out: